Mentoring for Mental Health First Aiders

You’ve equipped your workplace with mental health first aiders but are they left in the lurch in the three years between training updates?

Let’s improve! 

Feelings of isolation, fear and anxiety

Trust, transparency and authenticity in an honest, human-focused way

Mental health first aider wellbeing so they can deliver first-class support

Answering your duty of care

Build stronger, healthier and more motivated individuals with greater compassion, drive and creativity. I can work 1:1 to lift one key member out of the weeds or across wider groups with my highly skilled team if necessary.

This maintenance programme goes hand in hand with my mental health first aid training course.

Mental health first aider maintenance

So that they thrive and do their job well, they’ll learn how to put their mask on first.

Mental fitness

When innovation and engagement thrive in safe places, there’s a strong business case for raising everyone’s sense of security and belonging. This is fitness training for the mind.

Everybody is different

Every organisation, team and individual has their own needs. That’s why I work closely and join forces with my clients to find out what their sticking points are and what will set them free to soar.