“Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.”
Life event | Life change units |
Beginning or end of school/education | 26 |
Business readjustment | 39 |
Change in church activities | 19 |
Change in eating habits | 15 |
Change in financial state | 38 |
Change in frequency of arguments | 35 |
Change in health of family member | 44 |
Change in living conditions | 25 |
Change in number of family reunions | 15 |
Change in recreation | 19 |
Change in residence | 20 |
Change in responsibilities at work | 29 |
Change in schools/place of education | 20 |
Change in sleeping habits | 16 |
Change in social activities | 18 |
Change in working hours or conditions | 20 |
Change to a different line of work | 36 |
Child leaving home | 29 |
Death of a close family member | 63 |
Death of a close friend | 37 |
Death of a spouse | 100 |
Dismissal from work | 47 |
Divorce | 73 |
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan | 30 |
Gain a new family member | 39 |
Imprisonment | 63 |
Major Holiday | 12 |
Major mortgage | 32 |
Marital reconciliation | 45 |
Marital separation | 65 |
Marriage | 50 |
Minor mortgage or loan | 17 |
Minor violation of law | 11 |
Outstanding personal achievement | 28 |
Personal injury or illness | 53 |
Pregnancy | 40 |
Retirement | 45 |
Revision of personal habits | 24 |
Sexual difficulties | 39 |
Spouse starts or stops work | 26 |
Trouble with boss | 23 |
Trouble with in-laws | 29 |
Vacation | 13 |
Scored 11-150:
You have only a low to moderate chance of becoming ill in the near future.
Scored 150-299:
You have a moderate to high chance of becoming ill in the near future.
Scored greater than 300:
You have a high or very high risk of becoming ill in the near future.

If you are struggling under the pressure and need immediate help then please consider using the mental health resources available here.
If you are struggling to sleep or feeling anxious then try this quick breathing meditation to calm your nervous system.